WoW: The War Within - Raidtracker addon and Raid Progression
Season one of the new expansion starts soon .. are you working on the raidtracker addon? Does anyone still use it? I'm happy to help track issues if needed, but don't know if we'll be using it as much this time.
Will be be able to add the new raid to our raid progression widget soon?
I did have a look at the raid yesterday to see how tracking the bosses would be. Looks like a pretty easy tier to do. I expect to have that update out before Sept 10th when the raid opens. The addon should already be updated and working with the new expansion, but do need to add the new raid/bosses. If you do not plan to use the addon anymore, I can't force you to test it for me haha. It's up to you what you want to do.
Oh no .. I'll definitely test it .. happy to do that - its fun! (basically, it's a challenge, when you say "oh, this one will be easy to track ... " :P )
I just remember you mentioned a while back about you considering it's future, so just wanted to check on that :-)
I'd like to be able to switch our Raid Progression widget over the TWW, but can't, yet ;-)
Hi. The new raid open TODAY in the US, and tomorrow for us in the EU, but there still doesn't appear to be an update on the website raid progression widget .. is that coming Soon (tm) ?
We did the penultimate boss tonight .. which was The Silken Court. This one, unfortunately, did not track. It tracked the loot from it, but not the boss kill.
This was the final few yells:
21:44:56 Anub'arash yells: Rampage.
21:45:03 Anub'arash yells: Takazj! I will crush your skull.
21:45:08 Skeinspinner Takazj yells: You blundering oaf, Anub'arash!
21:45:12 Anub'arash yells: The swarm must feed.
21:45:25 Anub'arash yells: Break!
21:47:03 Queen Ansurek yells: Everyone plots against me. I hear their whispers.
21:47:09 Queen Ansurek yells: Betrayers! All of you!
21:47:12 Queen Ansurek yells: Guards! Kill them all!
Yea, I had a feeling my attempt for them wasn't going to work. I was watching a bunch of footage and I did not see consistent death yells. Now that there should be a lot more footage, maybe I can find a better way to track them. I'll let you know when I have an update for it. I expect they'll be the only one with a tracking issue.
I THINK they do ... :P
Council fights are always a pain to track .. thought this might be the one :P