Actually, it happened in here and my site. Then it cleared up. But it happened again at 10 that evening. It is ok. Nothing is perfect. :)
I wish I could say we have found a way to get it under control, but essentially what's happening is, there's two times per day when we get slammed by bots scanning the internet. Most legitimate like Google scans for example, but some not legitimate. It's basically the same as being DDoS'd. We have tried some things and we have more things we hope to try. But that's why it's around the same times each day that you might see a 500 error here and there. It's a work in progress.
I have also noticed that recently the templates go crazy. It will load to a different one then go back to normal.
I have also noticed that recently the templates go crazy. It will load to a different one then go back to normal.