Ability to customize members
Hello! Its been quite some time since ive used this wonderful website builder and I was just curious if there are any updates on weather or not you can change members images and or customize their names to a certain way (I run a community with constant rank changes). I would love to know what others think about this is this hasnt been put into gamerlaunch!
You can update your user profile image by going to your profile page and clicking "edit profile" at the bottom of the left column. On that page you can also update your username too.
This article explains how to create forum ranks https://guildlaunch.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/116769-how-do-i-add-forum-ranks.
To create site ranks go to the admin dashboard> rosters> Ranks> add a rank> got members> and assign that rank.
Is there a way to add a SECOND rank? For example, the guild ranks in game are rank 1. But we have a second rank that we wanted added to the member info on the member's profile. Is there a way to do that? Thanks!
Unfortunately there's not a way to do that. We've got ranks on the website set up the same way as it is in game, can't have two ranks at the same time.
Your best bet to do something along those lines is to use the Rewards system, which it looks like you've already dove in and set up.
Let me know if that works for you or if I misunderstood the question!